Agnostic Digital Transformation - #Episode 5
Due to the success of our previous #Episode4, in which we escalated #traceability and #compliance challenges of millions of #Assets or #CustomerPremisesEquipment (#CPEs) located in multiple locations, consequence of #EverythingAsAService and #DeviceAsAService models, in this #Episode5 we’d like to brainstorm ideas to initiate a #TransformationPlanning.
Attention points to brainstorm:
Is in the scope of your #Transformation Architect/Planner #CPEs Management processes?
Considering that #XaaS and #DaaS models transform a simple delivery into #RecurrentServices, is your service provisioning orchestration prepared to move #InventoryMaterials into #FixedAssets at customer premises?
Are those #CPEs, associated with a #ServiceDataBase, in a way that it’s possible to ensure their #Entitlements and #Revenues?
Drivers for a #TransformationPlanning
Extend the scope of your #DigitalTransformation from the core process of #QuoteToCash to the process of #AssetToCash.
Deep dive into the #Orchestration between #ServiceProvisioning, #Shipping and #AssetManagement.
Include exception processes like #Maintenance, #RMA, #Refurbishing and #AcceleratedDepreciation and #AssetRevaluation.
Make your obsessions #RevenueAssurance and #AssetsTraceability.
#Customer Bridge proposes a #TransformationPlanning, that it’s better and less painful than a #EquipmentDiscovery project, triggered by a #compliance escalation.
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